
August 2019


As we head into opening week, just wanted to provide a quick update regarding “XML-Less” stats through the NCAA Live Stats application. Live Stats For those using NCAA Live Stats this fall, the setup for getting your SIDEARM Stats up and running will require two simple steps. Step 1: Enter the GameID which is found in the Help menu of the NCAA Live Stats application. The GameID is usually between 3-5 digits and only contains…

NEW this year for the SIDEARM texting platform – we are excited to introduce you to SIDEARM’s improved offerings with our partner Mozeo. This seamless transition will innovate the way you communicate with your fans. If you’re a current user, there are no changes to the way you do things. We anticipate moving to this new platform within the next few weeks. The short code (83200) remains the same, the costs are the same for the service you…

At SIDEARM, we are blessed with a team full of the most creative, passionate, and brilliant technological minds in the sports tech industry. Our focus is on constant innovation, increased efficiency, and providing the best customer service experience possible. We are a company that thrives on listening to the people that use our products and services, and using this feedback to pave our path to the future. One thing SIDEARM is guilty of, however, is…

Have you ever wanted to sort or access content into a comprehensive landing page? Good news – we recently introduced the SIDEARM Content Tagging Platform!   How can YOU use this? Historically, we’ve relied on “sports” to relate content to other content – so for example, a photo of a women’s basketball player, and a story about the women’s basketball team are both “women’s basketball” content – but we haven’t truly known the context of that…

The SIDEARM software gives you the tools to tailor your site specifically for your program. Check out our newest schedule and bio designs (in addition to our current offerings!) to find the layout that best fits your needs. Under the schedule and roster sections in the SIDEARM back end, you will find a ‘Set Default Template’ option. Here, you can activate any of our new or current templates for a single sport or all sports.…